Call for stats: How much is your cloud emitting?

In my previous post, I introduced Silvan Earth, a new project focused on reducing our environmental impact as creators. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, developer, designer, or product owner, we all build things — and I believe we have a responsibility to minimize their footprint. This should be done effortlessly, automatically offsetting the emissions we can’t get rid of.

However, as I walked through the woods yesterday, I realized it might be too soon to define exactly what Silvan Earth will be. I have some ideas that would make it useful beyond the environmental impact, but before I go any further, I need more data. That’s where you come in.

If you’re running projects on a cloud platform (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, etc.), how much CO₂ are you emitting? You can check this in your cloud provider’s dashboard:

The key questions I’d love to answer:

  • How much CO₂ are we emitting?

  • Which parts of the infrastructure contribute the most?

  • Do you know how many active users this footprint covers?

You can contact me in any format you’d like. Whether it’s a screenshot, raw numbers, or even a quick screen share on a call, it all helps. While I plan to share aggregated insights publicly, I will never reveal or hint at your identity or product.

Let’s figure this out together, thanks in advance!🙏🌍


New website! And First learnings


Silvan Earth: A first draft