Call for stats: How much is your cloud emitting?
In my previous post, I introduced Silvan Earth, a new project focused on reducing our environmental impact as creators. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, developer, designer, or product owner, we all build things — and I believe we have a responsibility to minimize their footprint. This should be done effortlessly, automatically offsetting the emissions we can’t get rid of.
However, as I walked through the woods yesterday, I realized it might be too soon to define exactly what Silvan Earth will be. I have some ideas that would make it useful beyond the environmental impact, but before I go any further, I need more data. That’s where you come in.
If you’re running projects on a cloud platform (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, etc.), how much CO₂ are you emitting? You can check this in your cloud provider’s dashboard:
Google Cloud:
The key questions I’d love to answer:
How much CO₂ are we emitting?
Which parts of the infrastructure contribute the most?
Do you know how many active users this footprint covers?
You can contact me in any format you’d like. Whether it’s a screenshot, raw numbers, or even a quick screen share on a call, it all helps. While I plan to share aggregated insights publicly, I will never reveal or hint at your identity or product.
Let’s figure this out together, thanks in advance!🙏🌍